Abrivision was a full project. From branding to store design, display system, Product layout and furniture. Abrivisão is a sub brand from Abridaúde. The store complements the ophthalmology unit.

With a minimalist layout in mind and the produts as the main selling point, one modelar sistem for the shelves was a must have. All the shelves have magnets allowing infinite layout schemes. The materials used are wood and acrilic, giving diferent atraction points for the consumer eyes.

The brand is under influence of the main brand, inheriting the colors and naming prefix. Apart of that the icon needed to identify the medical part of the store, chossing in this case a stylized medical element used in the medical avaliation.
In the store, the public buy glasses and every elements that combine with theme nonetheless they have one medical staff capable to do exames, avaluations and surgery in the ophthalmology field.

Special thanks to Miguel Inês, Abrisaúde/Abrivisão owner and João Gonçalves from Simpleshine production house.
All rights reserved to brand owners and design team.